Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Adventures in France

Two and a half weeks into my stay here, I have had quite the adventure. From the time I left Houston to the time I arrived at my hotel was crazy! I had to go through immigration in London just to go get my bag and catch my next flight to Paris. Once I arrived in Paris (happy moment!) and the area where my hotel was, I was stuck walking around for a good hour trying to navigate the narrow streets and tiny roads. I was initially afraid of asking someone for directions because my French isn't the best, but I finally broke down and asked a guy at a newsstand. Turns out I was almost there! I was tired, sweaty and in pain by the time I checked into the hotel. But I made it!

While walking the streets of Paris, I started to notice quite a bit of black people there, and I don't mean American tourists. I mean basically the French counterpart of African Americans. I was blown away! I know a lady from my church mentioned it to me, but I still was amazed. It wasn't until Saturday night when the group went out to dinner that I found out where a lot of them dwell. It was so cool seeing beauty supplies stores and perm! (even though I'll never use THAT again) Unfortunately, with the neighborhood came some shady people. Some random dude had the audacity to put his arm around me and start talking to me. Apparently it was slang and he was offering prices like I was a potential ho or something. Lord knows what all he was saying to me. I just kept walking the whole time and the group decided to be my bodyguards for the evening :)

It seemed like those 5 days came and went with the wind because a new adventure laid ahead in Montpellier. I was getting nervous about my host family because the main person didn't have an email address, so I couldn't really contact her before meeting her. When we arrived at the Montpellier Airport and the families greeted us, turned out she wasn't there. Womp. Turns out she doesn't have a car, and I eventually me up with her when another host mom took me to her. She turned out to be a really nice lady. Me, her, and I believe her daughter-in-law went to her son's house. May 29th was Mother's Day here, so they were celebrating. So many handshakes and greetings, people speaking French and trying in English so I can understand. The get-together lasted until 10, and we switched from on car to another. Now it was her daughter, her other son (I think) and her aunt. We dropped her aunt off, and then there were four. This is exciting, I thought. Two other young people I could talk to during my stay here. It wasn't until we got to my host mom's place that I realized that the only person hosting me was her. Sad day, to say the least. I thought host families were usually families, with married couples and kids and whatnot, but here is this lady with grown kids out of the house. Basically an empty nester. But hey, it's not THAT bad.

My latest adventure happened today with un velo - a bicycle. I was really wanting to do something today, and I had been wanting to rent a bicycle for a day, so I did. Now, mind you, these bikes have the breaks on the handlebars. I haven't ridden a bike like that in four years, so one can imagine my slight fear when going down my first hill and I see a car coming, but I realize and forget easily that I cannot back pedal to stop. Thankfully I used my handlebars. Riding around was crazy. I called myself trying to get lost in the city, but all I did was go in little circles and go up some MERCILESS hills. Montpellier 1, Shondrika KO. I think after a good hour I was done and happily returned the bike back. It was definitely an adventurous hour riding around the city. It just made me miss my baby back in Lubbock :(

That's what I have so far. I am waiting for June 22nd to arrive so I can go shopping! Bon Dimanche!

1 comment:

  1. you're having so much fun! i leave DFW on Friday to go to Amsterdam, then it's off to Spain on the 24th! So I'm guessing your host mom isn't too shabby?
