Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fete de la Musique et Soldes!!!!

I've realized I haven't blogged in over a week, so I'm back! This week has had a back-to-back nationwide thing going on. Tuesday night was the Fete de la Musique to celebrate the beginning of summer (whoo!), and then the very next day (yesterday) began the five-week long soldes, or sales. Oodles of stores not only all over the city of Montpellier, but of all France, have major markdowns on merchandise. That was the day that I had been waiting on for weeks, resisting the urge to go shop like crazy. And you know what? It worked really well in the end. I shopped until I was out of my system pretty much. I could do some more, but a part of growing up includes keeping in mind your responsibilities, even if you aren't facing them that very moment. So there. I finally got to hear a gospel choir here (Praise Dieu!) AND a dress I had my eye on I ended up getting for 50% off, bringing the price down to 14.99 euros. Such a great shopping day! I'm starting to get more in tune with the shopper in me. I've only been shopping for myself for four years, and trying to see what works on me and what doesn't is no easy task, but when you find the perfect piece of clothing, it's like heaven on earth!

All of this is part of the grand finale of my stay in France. Come Wednesday morning, I will begin my 3 flight trip back to Houston to do Lord knows what in Houston. I can't wait to use the internet wherever I want to spend time with my friends and family. I miss you guys, and I'm ready to enjoy some of the comforts of Americana again :)

My dress!

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